Comparison Claims
Now, medicinal silver comes in various forms, such as ionic, colloidal, angstrom or nano silver. As far as which type is REALLY the most effective, that's a corporate battlefield with no clear winner... So here's a few comments on each one to help you decide:
Ordinary ionic silver is produced by electrolysis and forms a clear silver solution that must be stored in dark bottles.
Whereas, Natural-Immunogenics's Sovereign Silver or Argentyn 23 ionic silver are Ag+ silver ions in a colloidal suspension.

Sovereign Silver has specifically tested "very effective" in vitro against Staph and Argentyn 23 claims to be superior to Mesosilver colloidal silver.
But here's a random testimonial for Mesosilver colloidal silver's effectiveness:
Well, I've come back from Las Vegas with a bad cough. I ALWAYS get a cough when staying in the Las Vegas hotels because of the dry, recirculating air. I never seem to get it anywhere else, so since it was time to start my own anti-microbial detox routine, I simply put some MesoSilver in a nebulizer, as I mentioned in the Taoist antimicrobial detox, and started inhaling it.Angstrom
My gosh -- my chest feels like it's twice as large inside! Nebulizing the silver for the lungs enabled it to reach deep inside and kill off colonies of critters that have probably been there for years due to past cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, whatever. You tissues usually seal off infections they cannot deal with, but when you kill the infections with Mesosilver, there's no reason for the tissues to restrict themselves any longer. The infections die off, tissues expand, your energy comes up, life changes for the better.
My gosh I'm filled with energy after just 3 days. Your breath is related to your chi, and that's probably why I don't feel hungry at all and feel stronger than I have in ages. Amazing. All just from starting to kill off the critters in the lungs, and I'm only on day 3!
A friend told me his mom used the very same protocol and finally destroyed a mild, persistant cough she's had for 40 years, probably from exposure to tuberculosis as a child. Now she smiles all the time, her eyes are bright as a baby's and she has no more coughing or chest pains. Another friend in Asia reported a similar story of chasing out long term infections, and she's supplementing the MesoSilver routine with tapping on her gall bladder meridian, as I reported several weeks back for cancer.
This protocol works.
BellaVida Super "Angstrom" Silver claims that "by being 96.8% bio-available to the body, Super Silver is 200 to 300 times more effective than most commercially available colloidal silvers" and that it "combines organic, plant derived silver with bio-active frequencies which disrupts every known pathogen's ability to produce disease within 20 seconds after digesting." It can be purchased here.
Well, if Merck and other Big Pharma companies want to ban it as a must obviously work!
Recently it was revealed that a handful of the activist agencies behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide have received funding from pharmaceutical giant Merck, which annually has hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from patented antibioics which many believe are less effective, less safe and far more expensive than colloidal nano-silver products.
nanocrystalline silver dressings were found to provide a complete, or almost complete, barrier to the penetration/spread of MRSA in 95% of readings. In addition, 67% of all wound observations showed a decrease in the MRSA load with an eradication rate of 11%.Conclusion
Again, it's hard to find a conclusive answer here, so you may just have to experiment with a few choices on your own. But hopefully, some of the information here will at least help you make those choices a bit better..
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