Friday, May 15, 2009

08. Holistic Health

Terrain > Germ
"The terrain is everything; the germ is nothing" - Claude Bernard
"Bernard was right; the pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything." - Louis Pasteur (from his deathbed)
Honestly, BOTH the germ AND the terrain are important. But, improving your general health and boosting your immune function (terrain) are the more sustainable longterm solutions here.

So, here are some ways to help do that.

Learning and regularly practicing a form of qigong can boost your overall energy & health. Qigong is an ancient Eastern, meditative practice of cultivating subtle bioenergy to increase your own capacity, flow, frequency, and reserves of it. More & higher energy = better health.

Here are a few qigong forms one might try for starters, if so inclined:
Sping Forest Qigong
Hsin Tao
Hunyuan Qigong
Zhan Zhuang

Of course, the "Catch-22" here is that the prerequisite for these practices is having meridians already clear enough for qi to easily flow through. But if they were that sufficiently clear, you probably would not have gotten sick to begin with, lol!
There are many forms of body cleanses and organ detoxing (herbal/nutritional, bodywork, etc). Probably far too many to list here, so you'll have to find what works for you? Just be careful to pace yourself with any detoxing regimens (especially with heavy metals), so as not to overtax your system or excretory organs in the process.
Immune Boosting:
Be sure to get plenty of sleep at an early hour (preferably by 9 PM) nightly and some minimal sunlight (for Vitamin D) regularly. Essentially rise and shine with the sun and go to bed with the night. And you may also try taking some general adaptogens like astragalus, insoluble (1,3/1,6) beta-glucan, suma root and Bioprin.
A blend of (21) Chinese Herbs to address viral infections. Given with early symptoms it will stop a viral infection in it's tracks. It is also effective with chronic viral conditions and provides some pain relief. BIOPRIN is primarily a pain killer that works faster and more powerfully than ibuprofen in managing pain and inflamation. BIOPRIN has no know side effects. BIOPRIN is an anti-biotic/anti-viral and, at the same time, an anti-yeast/anti-fungus. Which means that as an anti-biotic, BIOPRIN does not promote yeast infection as commonly seen in other antibiotics. BIOPRIN is an immune booster. The main mechanism of anti-inflammatory/analgesic activity is through the reinforcement and enhancement of immune function of patients. BIOPRIN recovers and enhances the immune function simultaneously with, or prior to anti-inflammatory/anti-biotic activity.

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