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Silver is not just a precious metal - but also an antimicrobial element that destroys pathogens on contact by oxidizing them. Of course, it can be hard (and real expensive!) to swallow big "silver bullets." So to aid ingestion and potency, it is reduced to microscopic particles and mixed into water to form a tasteless liquid. And unlike many pharmaceutical antibiotics, it basically has no side effects.
Comparison Claims
Now, medicinal silver comes in various forms, such as ionic, colloidal, angstrom or nano silver. As far as which type is REALLY the most effective, that's a corporate battlefield with no clear winner... So here's a few comments on each one to help you decide:
Ordinary ionic silver is produced by electrolysis and forms a clear silver solution that must be stored in dark bottles.
Whereas, Natural-Immunogenics's Sovereign Silver or Argentyn 23 ionic silver are Ag+ silver ions in a colloidal suspension.

Sovereign Silver has specifically tested "very effective" in vitro against Staph and Argentyn 23 claims to be superior to Mesosilver colloidal silver.
But here's a random testimonial for Mesosilver colloidal silver's effectiveness:Well, I've come back from Las Vegas with a bad cough. I ALWAYS get a cough when staying in the Las Vegas hotels because of the dry, recirculating air. I never seem to get it anywhere else, so since it was time to start my own anti-microbial detox routine, I simply put some MesoSilver in a nebulizer, as I mentioned in the Taoist antimicrobial detox, and started inhaling it.
My gosh -- my chest feels like it's twice as large inside! Nebulizing the silver for the lungs enabled it to reach deep inside and kill off colonies of critters that have probably been there for years due to past cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, whatever. You tissues usually seal off infections they cannot deal with, but when you kill the infections with Mesosilver, there's no reason for the tissues to restrict themselves any longer. The infections die off, tissues expand, your energy comes up, life changes for the better.
My gosh I'm filled with energy after just 3 days. Your breath is related to your chi, and that's probably why I don't feel hungry at all and feel stronger than I have in ages. Amazing. All just from starting to kill off the critters in the lungs, and I'm only on day 3!
A friend told me his mom used the very same protocol and finally destroyed a mild, persistant cough she's had for 40 years, probably from exposure to tuberculosis as a child. Now she smiles all the time, her eyes are bright as a baby's and she has no more coughing or chest pains. Another friend in Asia reported a similar story of chasing out long term infections, and she's supplementing the MesoSilver routine with tapping on her gall bladder meridian, as I reported several weeks back for cancer.
This protocol works.
BellaVida Super "Angstrom" Silver claims that "by being 96.8% bio-available to the body, Super Silver is 200 to 300 times more effective than most commercially available colloidal silvers" and that it "combines organic, plant derived silver with bio-active frequencies which disrupts every known pathogen's ability to produce disease within 20 seconds after digesting." It can be purchased here.
Well, if Merck and other Big Pharma companies want to ban it as a must obviously work!Recently it was revealed that a handful of the activist agencies behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide have received funding from pharmaceutical giant Merck, which annually has hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from patented antibioics which many believe are less effective, less safe and far more expensive than colloidal nano-silver products.
nanocrystalline silver dressings were found to provide a complete, or almost complete, barrier to the penetration/spread of MRSA in 95% of readings. In addition, 67% of all wound observations showed a decrease in the MRSA load with an eradication rate of 11%.
Again, it's hard to find a conclusive answer here, so you may just have to experiment with a few choices on your own. But hopefully, some of the information here will at least help you make those choices a bit better..
Here are some ingestible supplements that will help support your healing internally. I'd say the first handful are probably the most effective, but every bit helps!
Bactestat (with Staph "vibe" added):is a homeopathic remedy that supports the body's detoxification from various bacterial infections. With the Staph "vibe" added, this will specifically include Staph as well..
Garlic:Crushed raw garlic is a very powerful antibiotic, but it must be applied to the site of the infection, including Staph and Strep, to be effective. It will burn like fire for a minute or two but it is the best way I know of to kill staph, including MRSA without a prescription medicine. Most importantly, garlic will still kill strains of staph that have become immune to modern antibiotics, including MRSA, because it kills in a different way and the bacteria cannot become immune to it, But it must be applied in one form or another to the site of the infection.
It is best to let crushed raw garlic set for 7 or 14 minutes before using so that it can form the maximum amount of allicin in order to have greater antibacterial properties. The reason is that crushing garlic forms sulfenic acid (thus the burning sensation) which steadily breaks down into allicin, the highly antibiotic compound that kills bacteria. For reasons not clearly understood, every 6 and 1/4 minutes or so there is a rapid dramatic increase in the rate of conversion for about 30 seconds and then it drops off to normal again for another 6 and 1/4 minute cycle and then it sharply increases again for another 30 seconds or so and again drops back to the normal rate. By waiting seven minutes, you benefit from the first great wave and by waiting 14 minutes, you get the extra boost of the second surge.
Allicin:Allimed is physician's strength stabilized allicin from garlic. It is a powerful natural antibiotic that combats MRSA, Lyme, C-Diff, Strep and other resistant infections. This is the first time in history that allicin in garlic has been stabilized. Allicin is the natural antibiotic property of garlic.
Turmeric:Without a doubt, the spice turmeric is the very best remedy to take when you have boils, staph infections, or MRSA. Unfortunately, while turmeric will cure an outbreak of boils, it will NOT cure MRSA. A daily dose of turmeric will only prevent future MRSA outbreaks if you also follow a strict alkaline diet by monitoring your pH.
Turmeric really helps with the inflammation and seems to help the pus dry of the best results we've seen.
Medicinal Silver:Colloidal silver has proven to be toxic to all tested species of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and many viruses. More importantly—unlike conventional antibiotics—infectious agents, cannot build a resistance to silver.
Taken internally, it may improve digestion, help prevent colds, flu and all organism-caused diseases. It can be used as a douche, atomized, nebulized or inhaled.
Olive Leaf:The best-known phytochemical in olive leaves is oleuropein, a very potent antimicrobial medicine that also has natural anti-viral properties.
Oil Of Oregano:Of the hundreds of different essential oils, oregano oil is well documented and best known for controlling bacterial infections. It’s been used as a natural MRSA and Staph treatment. In fact, I consider oregano to be one of the “big gun” essential oils for controlling infections like Staph and MRSA
But you won’t find therapeutic grade oregano oil in your kitchen spice cabinet, or even your local health food store. True oregano oil comes from the plant species Oregano vulgare, which is often confused with kitchen oregano or oregano marjoram. Unlike kitchen oregano, the true oil contains natural chemical ingredients that include carvacrol, thymol, terpenes, rosemarinic and naringin. These natural ingredients give the oil its potent antibacterial and healing properties.
Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be efficacious against Staphylococcus bacteria (the bacteria responsible for MRSA) and was comparable in its germ-killing properties to antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, penicillin and vancomycin.
Carvacrol is a powerful bacteria killer that’s strongly active against Staph and MRSA infections as well as yeasts and molds. A carvacrol content of 70% or more can be strongly therapeutic. However, natural carvacrol content this high is very uncommon and hard to find in most commercial oregano oil products. Almost all oregano essential oils sold today are too dilute to be of help against MRSA or Staph

The MRSA super-bug could be wiped out using natural oil from oregano, scientists revealed today.
Researchers have discovered that the herb, commonly used in cooking, could eradicate the deadly infection from hospital wards.
Tiny quantities of carvacrol, a naturally occurring compound in oregano, were found to be a more effective antimicrobial agent than 18 pharmaceutical drugs, investigators found.
Preliminary research into the oil found that tiny doses are capable of wiping out fungi and bacteria, including MRSA.
Researchers found that the oil still works at boiling temperature, meaning it could be used for disinfecting hospital sheets.
Its vapour is equally effective and could be turned into an antibacterial spray.
Biolaya led the research in northern India, said: ‘Himalayan oregano oil kills MRSA at dilution’s of less than one to 1,000 and the antimicrobial properties, unlike most conventional anti-bacterial agents, are not affected by heat treatment.
'Preliminary tests show that oregano oil is very effective against MRSA in really quite low doses.
'A small amount will kill MRSA and also the vapour will kill the bacteria.
Iodine:Iodine is a basic element, as are calcium, zinc, oxygen and other elements. The word “iodine” usually refers to two iodine molecules chemically “stuck together” (I2), just as the word “oxygen” usually refers to two oxygen molecules “stuck together” (O2). Since iodine is more reactive, and therefore more likely to cause problems, iodine is usually used as “iodide”, a word which refers to one iodine molecule combined with another molecule such as potassium (KI) or sodium (NaI).
The “SS” in “SSKI” refers to “Saturated Solution Potassium Iodide”. Other medically useful forms of iodine include “Lugol’s solution”, invented by Dr. Lugol of Paris in the 1840s, which contains a mixture of types of iodine and iodide, and “di-atomic iodine”, which is another name for iodine, but usually prepared as a solid in a capsule instead of a liquid.
Older readers may remember Mother putting “iodine” on cuts and scrapes. It kept infection away as well as any “modern” antibiotic ointment, with the added benefit of not inducing “bacterial resistance”.
There are three “hazards” to using SSKI: staining, allergy, and a very small possibility of thyroid suppression with longer-term use of “too much”.
in my experience with over a thousand individuals, internal use of than nine drops of SSKI daily has or less has very rarely resulted in thyroid suppression
An open clinical study was performed to know the therapeutic value of the Potassium Iodide administered in saturated solution form (SSKI) for the treatment of recurrent staphylococcal skin infections.
It is considered that the SSKI is useful for the treatment of recurrent staphylococcal skin infections. The SSKI does not create bacterial resistance and it preserves the employment of antibiotics for other more serious infections.
MMS:Step one to treating any MRSA or staph infection is to start the sick person on MMS Protocol 1000. Protocol 1000 is having the sick person take 3 drops of activated MMS every hour for 8 hours a day. The MMS must always be activated with one drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS.
(Ok, I really haven't found a lot of convincing testimonials for internal MMS usage successfully treating MRSA - so it may just be better reserved for topical application.)
Ozonated Fluids:Ozone, 03 instead of 02, is highly reactive against bacteria, and when applied to boils or wounds can kill the MRSA Ozone has the capability to move through tissues and will move through a compromised tissue faster than normal tissue. When a heat pack is applied to the surface of the skin ozone will move through it rapidly due to increased circulation. With limb bagging this has shown not to be necessary. Only wetting the limb is required.
If I had a MRSA wound I would get an ozone machine right away. Most cases of ozone applied to wounds or boils only required a few days of treatment. If the wound is opened for drainage and cleaning it is the optimal time to apply ozone
I got this [ozonated olive oil] for my wife's staph infection/MRSA and we were both very skeptical at first as other treatments didn't work very well and when antibiotics did work the side effects were not good. This Ozonated Olive Oil has worked wonders on both my wife and sister.
The best thing for a boil that I found was Ozonated Olive Oil, wow this stuff works great! It takes about a week of applying the stuff twice a day, and relief is almost instant
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2):There are two methods of hydrogen peroxide therapy. One is to simply drink food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in water. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is 35% strength and very powerful, as compared to your local grocery store variety which is only 3%, so don't ever drink it without diluting it.
The other method is intravenously, injecting it straight into the body. The reason why this is done is because many harmful diseases and conditions, such as cancer and aids, are anaerobic, meaning that they can't handle an oxygen rich environment. Studies have shown that when hydrogen peroxide is injected in large enough quantities around a cancerous area, the cancer cells die. When introduced into the blood stream, hydrogen peroxide therapy seems to have great results against almost every ailment. It was first used in the bloodstream in the early 1900's to fight against influenza.
benefits of drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide is that it is effective against removing toxins from the system. Adding a few drops to a glass of pure water an hour before a meal will allow the stomach to process the hydrogen peroxide and utilize it in the body.
Too much of a good thing is almost always bad. Do not ever attempt to give yourself intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy.
Never use H2O2 at more then 8% solution, if anyone were to drink 35% H2O2 neat, they would die in agony.
I tested it up to 12%, at which time I felt my oesophagus start to burn, and needed to drink 1 litre of Aloe Vera juice to restore balance, I never prescribe anything that I have not tested, so believe me when I say 8% is the absolute maximum to BUILD UP TO.
Start with 1%,then build to 2% etc. until you find it unpalatable.
Proponents of oxidative or "hyperoxygenation" therapy believe that many diseases including cancer and HIV can be linked to oxygen deficiency. They say that infusion or even ingestion of substances such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone and germanium sesquioxide deliver an "oxidative burst" that can kill cancer cells and viruses, and boost the immune system.
But health experts say injecting hydrogen peroxide directly into the bloodstream can cause convulsions, acute anemia and deadly gas emboli.
Five days after the birth of my third child, Hugo, I was diagnosed with seven different bacterial infections. No one could figure out why/how they occurred, but the most serious involved two bacterial infections in my blood (sepsis) and also a bacterial lung infection (pneumonia).
Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide, 10 sessions, every other day. This is the heavy-hitter antibiotic and although it gave me headaches on the day of treatment, it was well worth it.
Not only did the infection clear completely and the fluid drain completely from my lungs, but there is also no residual scarring. It is now 4 years later and I have also not had pneumonia or any other bronchial infection occur during the winter.
Vitamin C:The benefits of using vitamin C together with antibiotics are considerable.
high dose vitamin C greatly improves the efficacy of antibiotics. Similarly, since Wild Oregano Oil is also an antibiotic, it too should be potentized if taken with high doses of vitamin C.
In humans, an astoundingly high 120,000 mg/day (nearly 2,000 times the RDA) of vitamin C delivered intravenously has been demonstrated to accelerate healing of burned skin in a blinded clinical trial.
There are now dozens strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. They are estimated to kill about 100,000 Americans per year, more than AIDS, breast cancer, and auto accidents combined. High potency vitamin supplementation can prevent many of these deaths and speed recovery.
For improved at-home management of respiratory infections, extra vitamin C, vitamin D and niacin should be taken
Vitamin D:New research now shows that low serum vitamin D levels increase the risk of nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). An estimated 2.7 million people in the U.S. are MRSA nasal carriers.
The relationship held even after adjusting for age, race, recent antibiotic usage, recent hospitalization, and poverty. This means that vitamin D status could be a modifiable risk factor for MRSA carriage and potentially MRSA infection.
San Pedro Cactus:Echinopsis pachanoi contains hordenine and ". . .it has been shown that hordenine, N, N-Dimethyl-hydroxyphenylethylamine, exhibits an inhibitory action against at least 18 strains of penicillin resistant Staphylococcus bacteria."
Elecampane:CIT researchers found that Elecampane, also called Horse-heal (Inula helenium) or Marchalan, is 100% effective against MRSA colonies
Pulsatilla vulgaris:Pulsatilla vulgaris or pasque flower, were tested against 300 different varieties of staphylococci bacteria, including MRSA. P. vulgaris also proved "highly effective" against MRSA, according to an article in the "Irish Examiner."
Green Tea:Knowing that green tea catechins possess strong antibacterial activity, researchers in Japan decided to test the catechins’ ability to wage war against this formidable bacteria. They recruited 72 disabled patients, average age 78, who showed the presence of MRSA in their sputum and divided them into two groups. One group used a nebulizer to inhale 2 ml of tea catechin extract mixed with a saltwater solution, while the control group inhaled the saltwater solution alone. Treatments were given three times a day for seven days.
At the study’s end, about half of those inhaling the catechin solution showed a decrease in levels of MRSA, compared to just 15% of those who didn’t receive the catechins. And the decrease of MRSA in the catechin group was almost three times greater than it was in the control group (31% as opposed to 12%).
Green tea can help beat superbugs according to Egyptian scientists speaking 31 March 2008 at the Society for General Microbiology's 162nd meeting held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
The pharmacy researchers have shown that drinking green tea helps the action of important antibiotics in their fight against resistant superbugs, making them up to three times more effective.
drinking green tea at the same time as taking the medicines seemed to reduce the bacteria's drug resistance, even in superbug strains, and increase the action of the antibiotics. In some cases, even a low concentration of green tea was effective.
Probiotics:many true fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria (such as natural yoghurt, live kefir (see the recipes page), sauerkraut, kombucha, miso etc.
Enterococcus species are prominent facultative anaerobic, beneficial, lactic bacteria. They are fermenting to produce Lactic acid but are not gas producing. They are able to survive in relatively harsh environments. They provide antimicrobial activity against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas (MRSA) bacteria and also inhibit the growth of food-borne pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms.
Health Canada (the Canadian version of the FDA that also monitors natural foods supplements in Canada) will not allow “probiotic” products containing Enterrococus faecium and Enterrococus faecalis into the country because “certain [so-called] probiotic bacteria have been associated with human illness and have a high-risk of developing antibiotic resistance and are not suited for use as probiotics
I recommend products that contain probiotics from the Lactobacillus genus or the Bifidobacteria genus. All species from these two genera are safe at any level. Be wary of labels claiming to contain species from the Bacillus genus, such as Bacillus coagulans, as they are spore-forming organisms and give cause for serious safety concerns.
Sustenex® contains BC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086), a special strain of probiotic bacteria that is able to survive stomach acids to reach the digestive tract where they offer the greatest benefit. Plus, clinical trials show that BC30 can help with various digestive discomforts and boost the immune system.
scientific studies prove that glucuronic acid works hard to help pull environmental and metabolic toxins from our bodies before they wear our bodies out. Glucuronic acid also helps the body produce a very important group of polysaccharides which build strong connective tissue and cartilage, stimulate T-cell production and increase cellular immunity. Our Kombucha Tea® also contains a full complement of B vitamins to give you stamina, energy, vitality and strength, plus folic acid to help keep your nervous system healthy.
Zapper:I did get rid of a Staph aureus infection using the zapper when antibiotics failed. It was not identified as MRSA however. I used a ParaZapper MX which is not available any longer. While there is definitely a difference in zappers, you should have good results using most any zapper on 2500 Hz for 10 minutes on, 15 minutes off, repeat 5 times, twice a day. It should work with antibiotics and it is best to continue taking them as prescribed.
I've completed 3 weeks of zapping skipped a week and I'm now into my second round now. I have a staph infection in my right foot for nearly 4 years that medical doctors couldn't cure with antibiotics. At this point it is draining a lot less from the small sore & seems to be drying up. Maybe 25% healing but thats better than any doctor has done for me!
The zapper even kills MRSA. I know, I had quite a hole in my leg and with the zapper on it it healed up fast. I was concerned about it spreading but it didn't. MRSA is a very serious thing and the zapper got rid of it all (it wasn't the antibiotics that is for sure). Even the doctor was amazed. He said he never seen MRSA and a wound heal so fast before.
We have observed problems with the Terminator zapper. We do not recommend it for the following reasons.
(This never seemed to work much for me, though?)
Marik's HAT/ACTS Protocol:Now, the preceding remedies were largely for helping to treat external infections. But once an infection has gone internal, it's a whole 'nother ball, batter up! For an internal (septic) infection, you may also consider trying a variation of Dr. Paul Marik's HAT/ACTS cocktail composed of the corticosteroid hydrocortisone (optional?), Vitamin C (containing ascorbic acid), and thiamine (Vitamin B1). Similar combinations are often available at your local IV spa...

The components of Marik’s life-saving sepsis cocktail are simply steroids and vitamins, a therapy, which many have said is harmless, but may improve sepsis survival dramatically. Steroids for sepsis have been around decades, and although there have been several trials evaluating its benefits in the septic patient; it is safe to say that the use of steroids remains controversial. The recently completed HYPRESS trial did not demonstrate a benefit for steroids in patients with sepsis. How about the use of vitamin C and thiamine?
The paper goes on to discuss and hypothesize how the combination of vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine works. The gist of their discussion, however, is that instead of one drug working on a single pathway in sepsis, the combination of these three drugs affects multiple pathways with the added benefit of an overlapping and synergistic effect. The exact dosing strategy for Vitamin C is unknown, as it is not been well studied. The authors conclude that up to 6 grams daily should be enough without running the risk of conversion to oxalate and potentially causing worsening renal impairment from oxalate crystal formation and renal deposition. The authors’ hypothesis is that vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine have synergistic effects that reverse vasoplegic shock and potentially limit the duration of vasopressor treatment resulting in a reduction in organ and limb ischemia from the vasopresors themselves. No patients in the treatment group died from complications related to sepsis, rather their mortality was secondary to complications of their underlying disease.
The combination of thiamine, ascorbic acid, and hydrocortisone has recently emerged as a potential adjunctive therapy to antibiotics, infectious source control, and supportive care for patients with sepsis and septic shock. Prior studies have found that plasma and cellular levels of ascorbic acid decline rapidly during critical illness. Similar to thiamine, ascorbic acid deficiency syndrome (scurvy) bears a number of similarities to sepsis, including malaise, coagulation abnormalities, and endothelial wall breakdown
Pharmaceutical Antibiotics:If you choose to try this route, see here.
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